When they’re not travelling, working or with family and friends, Debbi and Katherine are running their local Glaucoma Group. You’ll soon see why their efforts and group are worth celebrating.

This dynamic duo holds Glaucoma Group meetings in Wellington every two months. But they also hold an informal meeting where people like you can chat in a more relaxed setting.

“For the months when we don’t have a formal meeting scheduled, we thought it would be nice to have an informal coffee catch-up. And do these in different places, so you can suggest your favourite cafes near where you live” says Katherine.

They have an agenda for their formal meetings. And invite guest speakers who cover topics that address needs of group members. Topics included, mental health, nutrition to support eye health and strategies for anxiety.

Their July topic became an education seminar available to all Glaucoma NZ members. It was a talk from Ophthalmologist Dr Jesse Gale who gave a virtual tour of the glaucoma clinic. He explains “I did this talk for our Wellington Glaucoma New Zealand group. It was their idea.”

“Some of my patients who are in that group had the idea that they’d quite like a tour of the glaucoma clinic… So, we made a kind of virtual tour… It shows you what all the gadgets do, but it also focuses in on what glaucoma is and what we’re looking for in the clinic”.

(Members of the Wellington Glaucoma NZ group with Katherine, top left, and Debbi, fifth from the top left)

It’s no surprise that group members are grateful for the sessions. That’s with Debbi and Katherine included. “I want to be around others who understand my disease” says Debbi. She adds that “the thanks we get after each meeting” keeps her coming back month after month.

Katherine agrees, saying “all our members keep coming back and are so appreciative. And the sharing of experiences every time, we’re always learning something new.”

Teamwork makes it all possible. “We back each other up and cover for each other when we’re off doing other things” says Katherine. Debbi agrees wholeheartedly. She says “we are both very aware that things can change in an instant with eyesight and health. And are both trying to make the most of what [eyesight] we have at the moment.”

Debbi and Katherine set off a ripple effect through their volunteering efforts. And through engagement from their group members. Their conversations evolve into real education opportunities for others affected by glaucoma. Find a Glaucoma Group near you here on the Glaucoma NZ website.

Glaucoma NZ is setting up more Glaucoma Groups around New Zealand. Are you interested in running a Glaucoma Group like Katherine and Debbi? Email Jenna here by email or phone 0800 458 826.

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