Juvenile Glaucoma – Emma’s Story

Primary juvenile glaucoma arises between 4-40 years and is unrelated to another eye condition such as trauma or uveitis. The intraocular pressure is usually very high (>35mmHg), and because it is uncommon and asymptomatic in the early stages, the visual loss is usually severe by the time the patient presents. Drops are often insufficient, with surgery required to control the pressure.

Emma wants to share her story with other younger people facing a glaucoma diagnosis to help them to realise that they are not alone. Glaucoma is not just an older person’s disease; although it does come with challenges, you can overcome them. Watch her video where she shares her experience of living with glaucoma.

If you think a conversation with Emma would be beneficial to answer your questions about juvenile glaucoma, please email info@glaucoma.org.nz



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