Become a Sight Saver

With a monthly donation, you can transform the trajectory of Glaucoma in Aotearoa, New Zealand

Will you help to eradicate blindness from glaucoma around the country? Become a Sight Saver today.

“The main reasons that people go blind from glaucoma is that they haven’t been diagnosed in time or that they’re not compliant with their treatment or they haven’t been treated effectively.”
– Professor Helen Danesh-Meyer

By becoming a Sight Saver, you...

Safeguard Sight

Shine a light on the silent danger of glaucoma. You encourage New Zealanders to get their eyes checked to foster an early diagnosis, preserving precious sight.

Build Confidence

Provide resources and practical guidance. You empower New Zealanders to take an active role in their treatment plan and lead fulfilling lives despite glaucoma.

Create the Experts

Enable the latest in training and technology. You equip eye specialists with the knowledge to diagnose and treat glaucoma effectively.

Advance Treatment Options

Drive breakthroughs in glaucoma treatment options. You deepen our understanding of Glaucoma through research.

Become a Sight Saver and help eradicate preventable blindness from glaucoma here in Aotearoa, NZ.

Complete the fom below using a credit or debit card to start a monthly gift. Alternatively, scroll further below for information on creating an automatic payment through your bank.

Glaucoma New Zealand Bank Account details

Glaucoma New Zealand

ASB Bank 12-3013-0180964-00

Particulars: First Name       Code: Surname       Reference:  Glaucoma NZ membership number.

Use your online or mobile banking app to create a scheduled payment once a month. This is also known as an automatic payment (AP). You can also do this by contacting your bank.

Michael’s story: The more you give, the more you get back

Michael’s love for New Zealand and its communities is evident in his giving spirit. He recalls his time farming on the East Coast, cherishing the connection to the land and the people. At 85 years old, he’s still working and loves to keep busy.

Diagnosed with glaucoma 10 years ago, he’s committed to taking eye-drops every night and attends regular eye check-ups. “I follow my eye specialist’s instructions meticulously, as I have experienced the outcome of not looking after my health,” he shares.

Michael has also had diabetes. He didn’t take the best care of himself which has led to the loss of a leg. He’s determined to take better care nowadays, which includes preserving his precious sight.

He’s helping others preserve their sight too.

Every month since April 2018, he has donated to Glaucoma NZ to help save sight. His gifts are a way of ensuring future generations can enjoy the beauty of their surroundings. Plus, it makes him a happy human. “I believe the more you help people, the more satisfaction you will have in your life” he says.

Those, like Michael, who donate to save sight every month are part of an extraordinary group. These regular donors supercharge Glaucoma NZ so that it can plan and be strategic in its focus. Thank you, Michael and other special people just like you. You safeguard sight, build confidence, create experts and advance treatment options every month with your gifts.

To recognise just how special you are, Glaucoma NZ have given you a new name that reflects the important impact you have: Sight Saver. If you are part of the Sight Saver community, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your regular support.

If you want to join Michael in creating a future where no one faces the challenges of glaucoma alone, become a Sight Saver today. Contact Sandy on 0800 452 826 or

Image from Getty Images.

Did you know?

Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness in New Zealand, and about 50% of people with glaucoma don’t realise they have it.


Help us make a difference

Your donation will help us to save sight and continue helping people with glaucoma get access to the information and support they need.


Join Glaucoma NZ

Get the support you need

Glaucoma NZ provides free information, support materials and invites to events to help you and others live well with glaucoma.

Join Glaucoma NZ