Like you, part-time teacher Patsy Deverall (74) is a member of Glaucoma NZ. She doesn’t have glaucoma. But she’s at risk of it because it’s in her family.
She grew up knowing what glaucoma is. Patsy explains “I shared a room with my grandmother and I experienced what it was like for her to have very little sight as a result [of glaucoma]…and then my mother got it”.
Patsy’s grandmother and mother gave her an up-close view of what glaucoma looks like. “It was such a life changer…like no driving and loss of independence”, she shares. “I thought that would be something that I should take care of”.
There’s glaucoma on Patsy’s paternal side too. Her first-cousin has glaucoma. And it was that cousin who took Patsy to a Glaucoma NZ meeting years ago. She’s been a member ever since and receives the monthly e-news. “They’re very informative and you know, for anyone who’s got glaucoma in the family, it’s worth keeping up to date” she confirms.
Patsy reminds her family to keep on top of their eye health checks. And she keeps on top of her own too. “So far so good!” she sings.
You can help your loved ones understand their risk of glaucoma. Don’t let glaucoma steal their sight without their knowledge. Introduce them to Glaucoma NZ. Help them see what glaucoma looks like. Don’t receive the monthly Glaucoma NZ e-news? Email us to subscribe.