Like you, as a member of Glaucoma NZ, Jane is eager to understand as much as she can about glaucoma. She’s committed to preserving her sight. “You can’t mess round with your eyesight, you’ve only got one set of eyes” she says.

Jane had been struggling with her glaucoma. Mainly itchiness and inflammation of the eye lid which she thought came from an allergy to her cats, however since realised it was a side effect of her treatment.

Jane’s cats Tigger (left) and Grace (right)

She read about Jasper in the March 2024 Eyelights newsletter which prompted her to speak up about her own discomfort. She wasn’t going to let the symptoms affect her quality of life. “This is quite serious, so I’ve made a bit of a fuss” says Jane. She was determined to do all she could to manage her glaucoma, sharing that her mother eventually went blind.

Jane regularly checked in Glaucoma NZ and learned more about drops. She also found it helpful to establish a routine to relieve her symptoms. It consisted of a preservative-free lubricating eyedrop with alternating hot and cold compresses. Jane also consulted with her eye clinic.

“I rang the medical centre nurse to ask what to do when I was a bit overcome with everything. And she advised to get the technician to sit in” says Jane. This helped quite a bit. Jane took a pen and paper to record everything. She also took her husband Peter as an extra set of ears.

On the day, the appointment went smoothly. Her pressures were stable. And she’ll follow up again soon. Thankfully, she doesn’t have to put up with the itch, burning and soreness any longer. And she knows what to expect next in her treatment plan.

Throughout everything, Jane remained proactive, consulting with whom she could, including Glaucoma NZ.

If you are having adverse reactions to your treatment, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out for support by contacting your specialist or contacting Glaucoma NZ. Support is here for you on 0800 452 826 or

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