
The Glaucoma NZ online Education Programme provides an opportunity for eye health professionals to maintain their competence in diagnosing and treating glaucoma. Participation is available to any health professional.

The cost is NZD $285 (including GST)

The programme consists of 4 cases containing a combination of patient history, clinical examination findings, optic nerve photographs, visual field test results, optical coherence tomography scans, and other relevant clinical information. Each case includes the required reading attached as a pdf document. There are questions, and answers for self-directed learning, followed by a web-based examination comprised of 25 multi-choice and true/false questions. Three attempts are allowed to achieve the 70% pass.

You must download the Case Completion Certificate from the Programme Report page for each completed case and disc assesment module.

Case 1 – 60035  (2 GE points)

Case 2 – 60037 (2 GE points)

Case 3 – 60036(2 GE points)

Case 4 – 60042 (2 GE points)

Optic Disc Grading – 60067 (3 GE points)

The disc grading component of the programme asks you to grade 40 pairs of optic discs across nine different parameters. Each set of disc photos has been independently graded by a glaucoma specialist ophthalmologist and a glaucoma prescriber optometrist, and correct answers are based on combinations of these gradings.

There may be more than one correct option for some categories, but pick the option that best represents the optic disc you are grading. A mark of 6/9 (67%) is required to pass each disc. You are allowed up to three attempts per optic disc. If you pass the assessment, you can still repeat it, but please keep in mind that your last attempt will be the one that is recorded.

Glaucoma Peer Review (ODOB assessed following the event)
As part of your course registration, we offer two dates for a virtual peer review with an ophthalmologist. There are no longer any CPD credits attached to GPR events. GPR events are now required in addition to the 40 credits required every CPD cycle. Prescribers will receive a met or not met outcome.

Please register as early as possible at or call 0800 452 826
7pm Wednesday 7th August. REGISTER NOW as space limited.



of people with glaucoma don’t realise they have it.


of people with glaucoma will preserve their sight with the right treatment


of New Zealanders over the age of 40 years are affected by glaucoma

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It’s quick and easy to refer a patient to Glaucoma NZ allowing us to provide tailored information and support that is practical, useful and encouraging.


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Your donation will help us to save sight and continue helping people with glaucoma get access to the information and support they need.


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Get the support you need

Glaucoma NZ provides free information, support materials and invites to events to help you and others live well with glaucoma.

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