Around five years ago Glaucoma NZ (GNZ) advertised for volunteers to join a ‘calling team’.  People were needed to phone new GNZ members to provide support and build people’s confidence.

From this, Trish Murfitt was approached to help start a special Group on the North Shore to support and reassure people with glaucoma. GNZ organised the room, and she, alongside fellow local John Talbot, established the group. It has been running successfully ever since.

The group meet once a month on a Saturday. Anywhere between 10 to 30 people attend. The sessions are educational with real purpose. They often include specialists on eye-health and offer practical tips for people living with irreversible sight-loss. Trish listens to the needs of her community and ensures people who are taking time out of busy schedules hgave their needs met at sessions.

The knowledge she imbues gives people confidence and helps them to relax about future treatments.  She too feels supported by the people who attend, gaining knowledge from them on a shared journey

Are you interested in attending or facilitating a Glaucoma NZ Group in your area? Contact Jenna on 0800 452 826 or

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