Create your legacy of love

Can you imagine leaving a gift that makes a difference long after you’re gone? A gift that speaks of love, hope, and helping others? This is the legacy that Roy and Betty planned. Their shared compassion and generosity will continue to help others long past their lives. This is thanks to a gift they’ve left in their last will and testament.

Betty gives her late husband Roy all the credit for the gift to Glaucoma NZ in their Wills. Roy didn’t have glaucoma. But he witnessed his wife living with the eye disease and wanted to make a difference. He was generous in nature.

Betty, was in her late 40s when she noticed vision difficulties. Glaucoma was in her family. But she never thought it would affect her. “I didn’t think I would get it. I knew it was hereditary and thought it wouldn’t affect me, but it did,” she reflects. Her optometrist quickly referred her to an eye specialist, providing reassurance and prompt care.

Roy had watched as Betty put in eye drops, attended regular appointments, had eye surgery, and more. He understood her challenges and decided to act. He helped to establish a support network for locals living with glaucoma. And he arranged a gift to Glaucoma NZ in his Will.

Planning a Gift in Will to Glaucoma NZ was more than a charitable act. It expressed Roy’s love for Betty and his commitment to supporting others. Inspired by Roy, Betty chose to do the same. She is proud to know that her gift will make more research into glaucoma possible and spread awareness of glaucoma to more people.

These planned gifts are a testament to their enduring love. Their shared legacy will continue to touch lives, spreading hope and support for generations.

Your family and loved ones should come first when planning your Will. After you provide for them, you may wish to leave a gift to Glaucoma NZ like Roy and Betty.

Create your own online Will today, at no cost. You can do this through the Glaucoma NZ page on a website called Gathered Here. Visit to create yours FREE today.


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